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Building Safe Sex Ed Spaces: Youth Centered Design for Teen Pregnancy Prevention in Washington State


Three-unit eLearning series for TPP partners and internal WA DOH staff to support WA DOH’s goal of creating youth engagement and leadership across the state.

About this Course

This course, comprised of three eLearning modules, will address trauma informed and healing-centered sexual health education, the development and implementation of adolescent friendly services, engaging youth in health promotion and positive social change, and a youth centered design approach to problem solving. Each module will include clear learning objectives, interactive content, concrete strategies for implementation, evaluation, and additional resources for program support and continued education.  

Who Should Take This Course

This course is intended for the professional learning and capacity development of Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) partners and internal Washington Department of Health (WA DOH) staff.

To Enroll

Select the Enroll button at the top right of the computer screen.

Registration & Fees

The eLearning course is free of charge.

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Here is the course outline:


Course description and information for completing and navigating the course

Module 1: Trauma Informed, Healing-Centered Sex Ed

This module will look at trauma and traumatic events, as well as their impact on youth development and response. With the goal of providing practical tools and support to service providers and youth organizers, specifically those who talk with young folks about sensitive issues related to their reproductive and sexual health.

Module 2: Youth Friendly Services

This module will look at strategies for making services youth friendly, in addition to trauma informed.

Module 3: Youth Centered Design

This module will explore how to develop youth programs and services that are equitable, accessible, appealing and effective.

Course Resources

A compilation of resources from the three modules.

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